Monday, November 2, 2009

message from the barber

i really need to learn to say no to giving everyone and their brother my email address.

here's a message from the barber who cut my hair the other day...

Hi Ashley, how are you doing? This is Simon, the barber man who trimmed your hair of recent. Hope all is well in Gulu. I am really looking so much to see you so soon if it is really possible because that would really be my joy. I so much liked you from the other time and it was really my honor to chart with you and realizing how interesting it is to chart with you, it would be my pleasure to share this moment with you again. Have a nice time, God bless you. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

this moment....? ALL HE DID WAS CUT MY HAIR!?!?!?


  1. awww man you CHARTED with him??!

  2. i still remember my first charting...

  3. What the hell is Charting? What did you and him chart??

  4. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mama

  5. Haha Ashley, this blog is seriously the highlight of my life at the moment. Every time you update I get a flutter of excitement in my stomach. I, too, hope to share the special moment of cutting your hair one day.
    <3 Sarah B

  6. i wanna chart with you. hey mama wanting to respond to your email but wanting to do it WELLLLLL you know how it is. i need to dedicate an hour and a latte to it. theres a lot to say.
    most of all. i miss you so so much and totes need you in general, esp right now. your guidance is missed.

  7. I demand an update, pronto.
    Sarah B

  8. I'm making my way through this blog ... ummm how come i never realized you're faking hilarious??!

