Tuesday, November 24, 2009

home sweet home

i'm back in kampala! it feels so overwhelmingly good to be kampala-home, i can't imagine what it's going to feel like to be home-home. my basin bath was AMAZING because the water was actually warm, and my bed felt softer than any bed i've ever experienced. zerrida and andrew are home from boarding school, so everyone's around except kenny. even jethro's hyperness and precociousness is amusing again...i think i just needed a little break from it.

the bus ride from gulu to kampala yesterday was....fun. there's a stretch of road that's about 10 km that has FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY speedbumps spaced about 10 feet apart from each other. which means that, for about a solid hour, there is never a moment that you're NOT going over a speedbump. seriously, does anybody have any theories as to WTF the point of that many speedbumps could be????? also there was an old lady in the row in front of me who had control of the window, and everytime i would try to open it a crack she would slam it closed immediately. i couldn't really argue with her because she was old and ugandan, and both of those factors trump me. so i sweated a lot on that bus ride.

i'm at a super muzungu cafe called "good african coffee" and they have free wireless and i just ordered a huge coffee. all of this = happy.

my mother told me last night that she has a wedding in her village the night of our homestay farewell party, which is kind of poopy. but some of my siblings might go....? i don't know.

okay i'm supposed to be submitting a draft of my report to my advisor today. will it happen? i don't know. not likely with all this wireless around.

also, what's the first thing i do when i get access to wireless this good?

WATCH THIS, of course: http://www.tonightshowwithconanobrien.com/video/clips/cold-open-of-the-first-show/1116061/

and this, too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyzLuLI78Rc


  1. Welcome home to Kampala my dear! Haha, I remember thinking I would never miss the pollution, traffic and chaos that is Kampala, but then it did feel a bit like coming home when I returned :) Yay for warm basin baths (key to maintaining mental health) and for fun, if sometimes annoying, little brothers! OMG- between the speedbumps and potholes on roads under construction it's no wonder it takes forever for people to get places. One of my TIA moments was that there is no bus schedule- it just leaves when it's full, as i think you mentioned earlier, so when my friends and I were trying to get out to mbale on our own we sat in the taxi park in the bus for 2 1/2 hours before leaving :) Along the bus ride my friend Hannah had to pee so she begged the driver to pull over. When he did literally everyone in the bus stood up to look out the windows to watch her (a 6ft. 2 amazon woman with normally blonde hair who had a black weave at the time) squat behind a bush a do her business. I laughed SO hard, I really hope you did not have to take a bathroom brake along the side of the road!
    Bummer about your homestay mom having a wedding out of town for the farewell meal, I hope some of your siblings are able to make it! Also, best of luck with that gender analysis research- and get excited for Kingfisher!
    Love love <3
    Also- coming home home- best feeling in the world. Not gonna lie- my mom and I cried in each others arms in JFK :) Can't wait to see you!

  2. you and that coco cold open. :) i requested some tickets to see him. cross yer fingers. it's too bad you can't go to the ugandan wedding. i bet that would've been some good fun. friend, i can't wait for you to comes home.


  3. YAY HOME-ALMOST! Lord, your face is much needed round these parts. So glad you're back in your semi-comfort zone in Kampala. But then again, no goat roast. Shoot lady, I need your loving arms!
    <3333 Sarah B

  4. you wait till your real mama getd hold of you!!!! no one loves you more....mama

  5. gets!!!!! that's the vodka spelling...

  6. ^^^^ mom was drunk HAHA

  7. Happy Thanksgiving Ashley!! Having lived outside the US for 4 Thanksgiving - it is only relevant when you are in the US - but fondly missed when you are not. Your posts have been most enjoyable for me and most of the women in my office - they regularly refer to charting in their relationships now - so you have started a new trend in San Francisco - maybe it will go national....love you, Aunt Ja
