Thursday, September 24, 2009


The other day I bought a set of markers for Jethro because he loves to draw but all he has are a few really crappy pencils (that he still manages to be completely satisfied with). He’s been coloring NONSTOP since I gave them to him, and last night out of the blue he suddenly stops coloring, looks up at me, and says with the most mournful look in his eyes, “Ashley, will these colors [he calls markers “colors”] last forever?” It was so heartbreaking to have to tell him that they won’t. It’s so funny (I don’t know if funny is the right word) how I can learn so much about poverty, deprivation, etc., and yet what really gets me is the thought that Jethro can’t get more markers when his run out. Ugh.


  1. i think i love jethro...mama

  2. is this post a reference or response to the movie, "Colors"? I haven't seen that movie in a long time, but what you're saying sounds really relevant in regards to the movie. For christsakes, buy the kid another pack before you leave. i'll kick in on it.
